Andromeda Earrings


Andromeda Earrings


Andromeda  (anˈdrämədə) Greek.

1 Greek Mythology an Ethiopian princess whose mother Cassiopeia boasted that she was more beautiful than the Nereids. In revenge, Poseidon sent a sea monster to ravage the country; to placate him, Andromeda was fastened to a rock and exposed to the monster, from which she was rescued by Perseus.

2 Astronomy a large northern constellation between Perseus and Pegasus, with few bright stars. It is chiefly notable for the Andromeda Galaxy (or Great Nebula of Andromeda), a conspicuous spiral galaxy probably twice as massive as our own and located 2 million light years away.

Dimensions (L x W): 0.85" x 0.5" 

The BRIGHT MOSAIC line is like mosaic work -- an assemblage of different-colored, different-shaped glass is arranged and fired together to become one piece. The pendants and earrings are then selectively cut from this mosaic sheet and fired again to make the final piece. Dichroic and iridescent glass is used in combination with solid colored glass to add some brightness and sparkle to the piece.  

To give them their silver frame, we grind a groove into the side of the glass and use the groove to wrap the nickel-free Argentium silver wire. This gives them a nice framed look without getting too heavy. Ear wires are also Argentium silver.

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